Home » ENHANCE Tandem project ‘Say Hello to Sweden’
Hello to Sweden

ENHANCE Tandem project ‘Say Hello to Sweden’

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ENHANCE Alliance offers the Language Tandem “Say Hello to Sweden”. This tandem is the second one focused on the member universities and looks to know more in deep each one of the countries which conform to ENHANCE. The meeting will be organized by the Warsaw University of Technology (WUT) the Thursday 31st of March from 2 PM to 3.30 PM.


The event is open to any member of ENHANCE previous registration. The participants will receive a link to Teams to join it, where the tandem will be conducted in English.


During the event,  Linda Branell, Administrative Coordinator of Wallenberg Centre for Quantum Technology, and Abhilash Ram, International Marketer, both from the Chalmers University of Technology,  will help you discover some interesting facts about Swedish culture, history, traditions, education and development from a historical and modern perspective respectively.


In addition, participants will be invited to:


  • Participate in different quizzes
  • Share their views
  • Ask questions

For this Tandem 40 places are available. You can register by sending an e-mail at enhance.tandems@pw.edu.pl.


You can know more about the “Say Hello to” tandems by reading this  “Say Hello to Germany” review.

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