ENHANCE - The European Universities of Technology Alliance

ENHANCE, the European Universities of Technology Alliance, brings together ten leading European research-intensive universities with a focus on science and technology. Rooted in European values, our Alliance of European Universities of Technology will turn global challenges into opportunities by empowering people with knowledge and competencies in science and technology, to drive responsible transformation for the benefit of society.

Our Network

ENHANCE is a highly interdisciplinary network uniting academia, industry, policy-makers, and societal organisations in collaborative activities under our various Alliance projects and  initiatives. Acting as a crucial sounding board and active contirbutors, our members and  network partners provide valued insights that are essential to achieving our mission and advancing our shared goals.

Our Members

ENHANCE brings together ten leading research-intensive European universities of technology, united by a commitment to advancing innovative, interdisciplinary education and research that addresses key societal and technological challenges across Europe.

Our Associated Partners

ENHANCE’s associated partners—comprising industry leaders, non-profit organisations, municipalities, and other HEIs—bring essential real-world perspectives and expertise, ensuring that ENHANCE’s educational offerings and innovations align closely with societal and workforce needs.

Lviv Polytechnic National University
National Technical University of Ukraine
Arts et Metier
Bern University of Applied Sciences
IBM Research
Falling Walls
Municipality of Gdansk
Trondheim Kommune
Municipality Valencia
City of Warsaw

ENHANCE receives funding by

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