ENHANCE universities provide a wide variety of assistance offers and services for students with disabilities and chronic illnesses. On the following pages, you can find out more and address your questions to the contact persons. We are happy to help!
This page offers an overview of different services and adjustments for students with disabilities and chronic illnesses. Erasmus+ can even have a student assistant arranged for you during your stay abroad. Find out more below and contact your university if you have any questions.
Erasmus students with a disability or chronic illness can ask for extra funding when making their mobility applications. Usually, the sending university organises this. This overview shows only the additional opportunities that might be offered by the hosting organisation.
ENHANCE universities offer different housing possibilities. We want to make sure your needs are covered when looking for housing options.
Here, you can find out what kind of accommodation is offered and who to contact.
We also share offers on how to make new connections. Feel free to contact your International Office to learn more.

Chalmers has a contact page for all questions related to functional variations/disabilities.
You can find the contact information of the International Office here.
Services and Adjustments for Students With Disabilities and Chronic Illnesses
You can find a list of services on this page.
If you have any questions, you can contact funka@chalmers.se
Some examples of services:
-Note-taking support
-Mentor support
-Adapted written exam
-The library’s reading studio
-‘Reserve a librarian’
-Writing Centre
Please contact the International Office for more information.
If you have any questions about the accessibility of the buildings, you can contact funka@chalmers.se.
Contact studentexchange@chalmers.se and ask about this possibility.
Students covered by Chalmers’ housing guarantee have a secure accommodation offer, but it does not mean that your rent will be covered by the university. The accommodations can either be a one-room apartment or a single room with a shared kitchen (sometimes a shared bathroom as well).
- The housing possibilities are listed on this page.
- Contact accommodations@chalmers.se if you have questions about accommodations
All students at Chalmers are members of the student union. It is run by its members to ensure students’ best interests. They are part of all decision-making boards and groups at the highest levels. The union offers an abundance of activities through its societies and committees and makes sure you have fun things to do in your spare time.
Find out more: https://chalmersstudentkar.se/.
Contact Details for Questions Regarding Disabilities and Chronic Illnesses
Contact information is on www.incoming.ethz.ch
Services and Adjustments for Students With Disabilities and Chronic Illnesses
Exchange students receive the information after nomination of their home university. This page informs about scholarships for degree seeking students: https://ethz.ch/students/en/studies/financial/scholarships.html
Peer Network/Socialising Possibilities
Contact Details for Questions Regarding Disabilities and Chronic Illnesses
Office for Persons with Functional Diversity (Biuro ds. Osób z Różnorodnością Funkcjonalną)
International Cooperation Center (Centrum Współpracy Międzynarodowej)
Services and Adjustments for Students With Disabilities and Chronic Illnesses
Assistant for Students with Disabilities (Asystent osoby z niepełnosprawnością)
Financial Support for Students (Wsparcie finansowe dla studentów)
Accessibility (Dostępność)
Preparatory Visit Information through International Cooperation Center (Informacje na temat wizyt przygotowawczych – Centrum Współpracy Międzynarodowej)
Accommodation Center (Centrum Zakwaterowania)
Peer Network/Socialising Possibilities
Erasmus Student Network Gdańsk and Student Activities (Erasmus Student Network Gdańsk oraz Działalność studencka)
and https://pg.edu.pl/studenci/dzialalnosc-studencka
NTNU has a website for students who need assistance related to functional variations and challenges related to health.
Email: tilrettelegging@st.ntnu.no
Visit this page for more information.
Email: exchange@st.ntnu.no
Services and Adjustments for Students With Disabilities and Chronic Illnesses
If you have a health problem or a disability which may lead to disadvantages during your exam, you may apply for special arrangements.
Please visit this page for more information.
Some examples of possible adjustments are listed here:
-Counseling at different levels during studies
-Different courses and groups for different diagnoses
-Technical aids for vision and hearing impairments
-Audio study literature
-Most rooms and buildings are wheelchair accessible
-Mentor service (not free of charge)
-Special reading rooms
-Extended examination time
-PC, Literacy support for dyslexics
-Adjustable desk
-Smaller examination room
-Access to a room for resting
Please contact the disability office.
Email: tilrettelegging@st.ntnu.no
Financial Support
Please contact the disability office.
Email: tilrettelegging@st.ntnu.no
Most buildings and rooms are wheelchair accessible and many rooms have signs in Braille. The MazeMap app offers information on how to move about on campus in a wheelchair. Rooms equipped with telecoil, IR, or Sennheiser Connect are signposted.
Please contact the International Office.
Mail: exchange@st.ntnu.no
NTNU offers wheelchair-friendly housing options, and apartments for single persons.
Housing information can be found here.
- Email: bolig@sit.no
- Are you an international researcher and PhD coming to Trondheim? Check out this page.
Parasport is a sports program for people with a disability.
Contact Details for Questions Regarding Disabilities, Specific Learning Disorders and Chronic Illnesses
The University service, called Multi Chance Poli Team (MCPT), helps and supports students with disability and Specific Learning Disorders from academic orientation to placement, and during the whole academic career. Visit this page to find out the services
Contact: multichance@polimi.it
Visit this page for more information.
Services and Adjustments for Students With Disabilities, Specific Learning Disorders and Chronic Illnesses
PoliMi offers special support for students with disabilities and Specific Learning Disorders; here is an overview of the services provided (additional or different support may be provided if needed):
– Administrative support
– Psychological and didactic counseling starting from the admission test – during studies – until placement
– Didactic & peer to peer tutoring
– Adaptive technological tools and solutions for attending classes, studying and taking exams
– Campus accessibility (reserved parking, accessible classrooms and additional services)
– Accessible study literature
– Reserved accessible accommodations
Contact multichance@polimi.it for more information.
Financial Support
Please contact the International Office (incoming students) for more information.
The Equal Opportunities Unit, namely the Multi Chance Poli Team service, guarantees the accessibility of campuses and classrooms by checking all venues allocated. You can also check the accessibility of the buildings on this map: https://maps.polimi.it/maps/
Contact the service at multichance@polimi.it
Housing information can be found here.
Questions can be addressed to multichance@polimi.it
Students with disabilities and chronic illnesses are supported by Inclusive Education Officers, in German “Beauftragte für inklusives Studium, for short BIS
Email: bis@rwth-aachen.de. More information about other aspects for inclusion and accessibility at RWTH are available on the Portal for inclusion & accessibility.
- Email: vorschub@asta.rwth-aachen.de
- More information about other aspects of inclusion and accessibility at RWTH is available on the inclusion portal.
-General information and advice are provided by the Info-Service Center at the International Office.
-Enrollment and support for exchange and visiting students at the Incoming Student Service.
-Email: incomings@rwth-aachen.de
-Faculty departmental coordinators for incoming and outgoing students.
-We recommend checking out this information page as well.
Services and Adjustments for Students With Disabilities and Chronic Illnesses
The Inclusive Education Officers provide information and counselling. Alternative Study Arrangements (in German: Nachteilsausgleich) can help in many cases.
Financial Support
Please contact the International Office for more information: incomings@rwth-aachen.de
The page “Everyone can study abroad” contains also some information about this issue.
The Campus of RWTH is unfortunately not yet totally accessible for people with reduced mobility. Information, maps and further links are available on the website Accessible Campus.
–Wheelmap (https://wheelmap.org/) is available for many buildings in Germany.
Please find your contact person on this page.
Email: incomings@rwth-aachen.de
Housing information can be found here.
Discover the possibilities, including sports for people with disabilities, here.
You can find more information on this page: Studying with impairments – TU Berlin
-General information and advice from the team of student mobility and international students.
-Team of the International Student Counselling Unit.
Services and Adjustments for Students With Disabilities and Chronic Illnesses
You can contact barrierefrei@tu-berlin.de.
Financial Support
-You can find here the additional financing possibilities at TUB.
-This page gives an overview of the accessibility of the buildings.
-Additional information is also available here.
You can arrange an appointment with the Representative for Students with Disabilities that includes a tour. Contact barrierefrei@tu-berlin.de if you have any questions.
Housing information can be found here.
Please contact bintstud@international.tu-berlin.de if you have any questions.
Discover the buddy program here.
Contact Details for Questions Regarding Disabilities and Chronic Illnesses
Horizon: Desk for studying with a disability or extra support question https://www.tudelft.nl/en/student/my-study-me/counselling/studying-with-a-disability
Useful links
You can find the contact information on this page: https://www.tudelft.nl/onderwijs/toelating-en-aanmelding/exchange-students
Services and Adjustments for Students With Disabilities and Chronic Illnesses
Horizon: Desk for studying with a disability or extra support question
Useful links
Financial aid
Financial assistance (RPF) in case of unforeseen circumstances
Study associations
Student associations
Visit Medical Center for contact information
Email to: medico@upvnet.upv.es
Visit the page of the International Office at UPV.
Email of the International Office: opii@upv.es
Services and Adjustments for Students With Disabilities and Chronic Illnesses
The UPV offers special support for students with disabilities (physical or neuropsychiatric), mental health issues, or special learning needs. A shortlist of possible modification possibilities can be found here.
Please get in touch with the CEDAT Foundation at cedat@upv.es if you have a question.
Financial Support
The CEDAT Foundation informs students about the exemption of academic fees and information on specific scholarships for students with disabilities. Please contact CEDAT at cedat@upv.es
The entire UPV, except the ICC, is accessible for wheelchair users.
Contact the CEDAT Foundation at cedat@upv.es
You can find general information about accommodations at UPV here.
The Student Delegation is responsible for representing the students. It assists and informs them about all university-related issues such as the scholarships, the courses offered, the sports activities, or any other type of related activity. The Student Delegation allows you to participate more actively in university life.
You can find the contact information of the office of people with disabilities here.
Email: wsparcie.son@pw.edu.pl
Email of the International Office: incoming.erasmus@pw.edu.pl
More information here.
Services and Adjustments for Students With Disabilities and Chronic Illnesses
WUT offers special support for students with disabilities. Here is an overview of possible services:
– Counseling during studies
– Study assistant
– Coach for students with AS Syndrome
– Sign language interpreter
– Department guardian
– Conversion of the written material to Braille
– Technical aids as induction loops in various departments on the campus
– Computer with a speech synthesizer, magnification programs, Braille rulers, and Braille printer in the Main Library
– Academic leave if necessary (illness, treatment, longer medical examinations)
– Prolonged time of exams for people with disabilities (30% more time)
– Possibility of changing written exams for verbal ones for blind students with vision loss and the possibility of changing audio-verbal exams for written exams for hard of hearing, deaf students
– Financial support for transport
– Place where students can rent a special recorder, computer with screen reader programmes or magnifying programmes, outer keyboard with bigger, contrast buttons.
Financial Support
Each Faculty has its scholarship for people with disabilities. You can find the contact information of the office of people with disabilities here to find out more.
More information here. (Only in polish)
Please contact wsparcie.son@pw.edu.pl
Please visit this page to discover housing opportunities in Warsaw.
Contact: WKK.international@samorzad.pw.edu.pl
Peer Network/Socialising possibilities: www.pw.esn.pl
Student Union: SSPW – Website of the Student Parliament of the Warsaw University of Technology