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ENHANCERIA’s Policy Brief has been released!

The ENHANCE Alliance proposes recommendations to the European Commission in relation to the midterm reporting in ENHANCERIA. The full document is available here.


ENHANCERIA, the project of the universities of the ENHANCE Alliance funded by the European programme Horizon 2020, is focused on four R&I areas: sustainable development through transdisciplinary research, sustainable entrepreneurship and innovation ecosystems, HR and career development, and research infrastructure. In its European Research Area Policy Brief, halfway through the funded period of the project, ENHANCERIA puts the tress on five policy topics and reserves a part for other recommendations to cover the objectives of its paper.


On the topic of facilitating transnational cooperation, ENHANCERIA highlights the importance of analysing the potential added value of a unique legal status for European Universities and making sure they remain open, accessible, and don’t become overly exclusive. The recommendations to the European Commission to strengthen careers are to design supporting measures and conduct a Europe-wide analysis of the different frameworks for tenure-track positions and the expressed need of the people and organisations involved. Regarding the digital transition, importance is put on good systems and services for researchers and users of research data, and on the availability of sufficient funding for necessary activities. The next topic focuses on access to excellence and points out the advantages of geographic or regional balance and the necessity to acknowledge the diversity of institutions and contexts. Before other recommendations related to the needed shift from project-based funding schemes to more sustainable funding solutions, the brief mentions the increase of global competitiveness and insists on its importance by putting forward the need to strengthen already existing and planned initiatives and strategies.


The ENHANCERIA Policy Brief brings centre stage various topics and recommendations important to the ENHANCE Alliance in the field of R&I.

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