Co-Creating Future-Ready Learning Opportunities:
This was the ENHANCE Innovative Didactics Conference
The Innovative Didactics Conference united the ENHANCE Alliance at Warsaw University of Technology to discuss and further develop the ENHANCE approaches that aim at shaping future-ready learning opportunities and collaborative educational formats for our member network.

The Innovative Didactics Conference held on October 10-11, 2024, at Warsaw University of Technology brought together over 150 participants from the 10 partner institutions within the ENHANCE Alliance. As a part of our shared vision for shaping the European University of the future, this conference was a significant milestone in our journey towards co-creating innovative learning formats and opportunities for our academic community.
Key outcomes and focus areas of the conference included:
- Micro-credentials & Future Skills: A highlight was the presentation on micro-credentials by Prof. Andrzej Kraśniewski, leader of the ENHANCE+ Work Package “New Formats and Frameworks”, working towards opening up pathways for new, flexible learning opportunities that align with the evolving needs of students and professionals alike.
- Innovative Teaching Methods: Through engaging panel discussions, participants exchanged ideas on the future of education, exploring methods such as Project-Based Learning (PBL), Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL), and hybrid educational models. These approaches are central to our efforts to modernize education, making it more adaptive, interdisciplinary, and relevant to the skills of tomorrow.
- Collaboration with Ukrainian Institutions: Thanks to the support of NAWA’s “Solidarity with Ukraine” program, academics from Lviv Polytechnic National University and Kyiv Polytechnic Institute participated actively in the conference. Their involvement strengthens our commitment to inclusive, cross-border collaboration, offering vital new perspectives in the ongoing development of joint educational formats.

The conference also featured in-depth workshops and collaborative sessions that will help shape the joint education offers within our Alliance. By bringing together faculty, students, and professionals from across Europe, we continue to build a vibrant academic community focused on co-creation and innovation.
As we move forward, these discussions and insights will inform future joint initiatives, helping us craft a dynamic and forward-looking educational ecosystem that empowers students across Europe. We extend our heartfelt thanks to the Warsaw University of Technology team for conceptualising, organising and hosting such a successful event, and we look forward to the next steps in our shared mission to transform higher education.
For a detailed overview of the conference outcomes, discussions, and insights, click here to read the full summary.