This area is focused on developing new approaches strengthen existing human capital and increase attractiveness to recruit, retain and further develop top talents among the consortium members, in order to face the disruptive societal changes, open science challenges, increased global competition and a broader mission scope that all universities are facing in todays’ society. The common starting point will be the frameworks provided by the EC’s European Charter for Researchers and Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers (C&C) including the Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R) that aims at better employment and working conditions for researchers throughout Europe.
In ENHANCERIA we will explore the strategies, best-practices, and lessons-learnt from the different universities in improving and boosting researchers career development, and promote open, transparent and merit-based recruitment policies. A mapping of current researcher career development (RCD) practices among partner universities will be conducted. An exchange of approaches and policies between the partners will be performed with tools and recommendations developed for establishing joint and appropriate frameworks regarding RCD (HRS4R definition and implementation), recruitment (promoting and consolidating openness, transparency and merit-based recruitment procedures) and mobility (fostering exchange mechanisms among institutions and developing a toolbox).
The expected outcomes of our WP are better working conditions for researchers across our institutions through an implementation of the C&C and the open, transparent and merit-based recruitment (OTM-R) principles, which will result in universities being more attractive to new researchers, top talents and researchers’ mobility, contributing to a wider and strengthened space for science development. This will also foster the relation of universities with society through transparency and openness and creating more awareness of the possibilities of career development and work opportunities. Overall, this will enhance the creation of innovation at the partner universities, which has a direct impact on economy and science development.
- Guidance Tool for Researchers Career Development
- Report on Current State-of-Practice on Human Resources
- Catalogue of RCD strategies and activities
- Report on OTM-R performance (First edition, including methodology for establishing a joint working group for OTM-R policies)
- Report on OTM-R performance (Final version, including recommended indicators)
- Professor Roman Z. Morawski advises young scientists on publishing their first scientific texts
Piotr Adam Andruczyk: paandruc@upv.es

The overall aim of this WP is to identify and share best practices in the areas of recruitment, researchers’ career development and mobility with the aim to enhance the implementation of the principles of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers at the partner institutions. In order to reach this goal, the following objectives are defined:
Objective 1
Foster better working conditions for researchers through enhanced implementation of the principles of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers among consortium members.
Objective 2
 Inspire improvement in researchers’ career development conditions at the partner institutions.
Objective 3
Enhance OTM-R practices at the partner institutions, including ethical issues.
Objective 4
Foster researchers’ mobility among consortium members and other European Universities.
Objective 5
Increase the attractiveness of universities as workplaces.
Task 1
Task 2
Creation of a working group for implementing OTM-R policies: consortium members will undertake the OTM-R assessment of the HRS4R in 2021 and the OTM-R working group will provide feedback to each institution on their recruiting policies and performance indicators alignment with the OTM-R model. The identification of academic values and both intellectual and ethical virtues should be a starting point for the definition of the objectives of HR policies in academic institutions.
Task 3
Fostering researchers’ mobility. Securing HR competence in cross-border mobility by developing tools linked to policies and regulations among consortium member: we will develop a shared toolbox which will combine the local, national and European policies and regulations linked to cross-border and cross-sectoral mobility. We will also test recommendations with researchers form the consortium that are willing to apply or visit another institution involved in ENHANCERIA.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101035806