Have a look here and find information regarding different initiatives for female researchers with possibilities for mentorship and other activities.

Chalmers has an initiative for female researchers with possibilities for mentorship and other activities, depending on the department. Find more information about “GENIE” here.
Contact: genie@chalmers.se
Not available.
New Technologies for Girls Program (Nowe Technologie dla Dziewczyn)
There is a mentoring program for women who are ready for promotion to a professorial position through application only. More information here: Mentoring program – Knowledge base – NTNU.
There are also some mentoring programs in specific faculties. Please contact the International Office for more information. Several faculties offer programs and networks to support women researchers and students if the gender balance is skewed towards men.
PoliMi offers a wide range of mentoring and coaching possibilities since orientation: high-school girls can participate in peer-to-peer or academic labs in STEM areas. For high school girls entering the Engineering areas, furthermore, there are annual grants called Girls@Polimi. Visit www.polimi.it/landingpages/girlspolimi.
During Bachelor, Master level and PhD, female students are also offered full paths on empowerment, with dedicated mentoring opportunities and internal and external advisors.
For more information please contact equalopportunities@polimi.it
RWTH offers the TANDEM mentoring programs for women students, pre-and postdocs. Have a look here.
Email: tandemdok@rwth-aachen.de
TUB offers a special mentoring program for female researchers.
There is also “proMotion training”: a program for peer-coaching/mentoring for female early-career researchers.
You can visit the special mentoring program that exits for female researchers.