Home » Summer School “Synergic Urban Systems” @PoliMilan 2024

The Summer School SYNERGIC URBAN SYSTEMS is a hybrid summer school (blended intensive program; 4 ECTS). It is organized within the ENHANCE alliance by the following universities: RWTH Aachen, TU Berlin, Politecnico di Milano, NTNU (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim), Polytechnic University of Valencia, Warsaw University of Technology, ETH Zurich.
It aims to provide participants with skills necessary to design innovative interdisciplinary approaches to urban systems integration across key sectors, including climate change, health and well-being, social and economic life, urban natural environment, accessibility and connectivity, equality and inclusiveness.


The Summer School will be based on participatory processes in which students develop context-specific and place-based visions and implementation proposals for an urban transformation area in the City of Milan. Processes of transformative urban change will be discussed with representatives of the civil society and economic decision-makers. The Summer School is free of charge. The Blended Intensive Program (Erasmus+) will support students’ participation with a grant. ETH Zurich will support ETH Zurich students’ participation with a scholarship funded by Movetia.


Between May 6th and July 27th 2024
Online phase (Thematic Foundation_Lectures + Critics_52 hours) between May (6th) and June (28th) 2024
The Onsite phase (A Synergic Methodology_Lectures + Critics_48 hours) between July 22nd and July 27th 2024


The School will be held by Politecnico di Milano, Leonardo Campus, Milan, Italy (EU)

Learning Outcomes

• Develop integrative and interdisciplinary knowledge in urban planning and design
• Apply planning methodologies to analyze synergies between different urban systems
• Identify site-specific urban planning proposals and development strategies by testing and comparing different spatial layouts
• Judge participatory processes and stakeholder influence strategies in urban planning
• Critically reflect the concepts of urban sustainability and resilience as multidimensional approaches to analyze urban spaces
• Develop key soft skills to tackle challenges of urban transformation


The six selected participants who successfully complete the course and present their results will be awarded a certificate of participation in the ENHANCE Summer School with 4 ECTS valid as a Workshop.


The School is organized around 2 tasks:

TASK 1: Thematic SWOT

(ONLINE) with lectures (slots of 2 hours – gross time)

During this phase, thematic lectures will be given to all the students (grouped by 5 to 6), while critics will be organized as well. Students will be grouped by mixing up their expertise and Universities and will work in Task1 with an assigned tutor(s) in one specific Topic.






TASK 2: A synergic methodology

(ONSITE) Workshop activities (8 hours per day)

The Groups will work to integrate their system’s features and perspective in a synergic way to critically analyze and implement a long-term Vision for the selected transformation site.

Main Contents and Learning Methods

Online PHASE (May6 -June 28, 2024)

  • Teaching: Lectures (by online lecturers) + Tutoring of TASK 1 (by online mentors)
  • Teamwork: in thematic TEAMS of students (1 student per each University) working in the same Urban System (Climate change, Health and well-being, Social life, Economic life, Natural life, Accessibility and connectivity, Equality and inclusiveness)
  • Development of TASK 1 by each thematic TEAM: Analysis of the Case Study Area with a special focus on the assigned System
  • Development of TASK 1 by each thematic TEAM: Analysis of the City and the Case Study Area with a special focus on synergies with other Systems
  • Development of TASK 1 by each thematic TEAM: comprehensive SWOT analysis and preliminary holistic methodology to generate Synergies with other Systems (City SWOT+ Case Study Area SWOT + assigned System + Synergies)

Onsite PHASE ( July 22 – 27, 2024) 

  • Teaching: Tutoring of TASK 2 (by onsite tutors) + Lectures (by onsite lecturers)
  • Teamwork: same teams of students as in the onsite PHASE
  • Site visit to cross-check on the analyses so far performed and possible new insights to analyse the Case Study Area
  • Meeting with local administration and stakeholders to fully understand the challenges and opportunities of the Case Study Area
  • Holistic approach including all Urban Systems explored so far to generate a new Spatial Vision

Teaching Staff

Martina Schretzenmayr

Lecturer, ETH Zürich


Geographer, Spatial Planner, PhD in Planning. Her research focuses on urban transformation, history in spatial planning, collaborative planning, planning pedagogies.

  • Roles: Lecturer, tutor online, tutor onsite

Sladjana Lazarevic

Associate Professor, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway


Architect with PhD in Architecture and Urban Planning. She is an Associate Professor in Revaluing Urban Planning and Design in the face of Climate Change at the Faculty of Architecture and Design, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, where her research activities focus on how value-based urban planning and design can be optimally deployed to achieve climate neutrality and significantly reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.


  • Roles: Lecturer

Mrudhula Koshy

Assistant Professor, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway

PhD in Planning under Uncertainty. Her research investigates the concepts of uncertainty, resilience and contingency at the intersection of spatial planning, climate change adaptation, disaster risk reduction, and humanitarian responses to deal with unprecedented environmental crises.


  • Roles: Lecturer, tutor online, tutor onsite

Abdallah Jreij

PhD candidate, Politecnico di Milano


Architect and urban planner currently pursuing his PhD in Urban Planning, Design, and Policy at Politecnico di Milano. His research focuses on the environmental sustainability of mega-projects aligned with mega-events.


  • Roles: Lecturer

Andrea De Toni

Assistant Professor, Politecnico di Milano


PhD in Urban and Regional Planning, her research focuses on Ecosystem Services assessment and mapping in different environments, as well as the sustainable development of related areas. With a multidisciplinary background, she specializes in data analysis to support planning and policy decisions.


Roles: Lecturer, tutor online

Carolina Pacchi

Full Professor, Politecnico di Milano


PhD in Urban and Environmental Planning, her main domains are planning and policy analysis to develop stakeholder’s inclusive strategies and innovative solutions for urban and environmental planning policies


  • Roles: Lecturer


Davide Ponzini

Full Professor, Politecnico di Milano

Davide Ponzini is a Full Professor of Urban Planning at Politecnico di Milano, and the director of the TAU-Lab (http://www.tau-lab.polimi.it). His research activity focuses on urban and cultural policy, and contemporary architecture. Author of the book Transnational Architecture and Urbanism.


  • Roles: Lecturer

Stefano Di Vita

Assistant Professor, Politecnico di Milano


Architect and PhD, he his Assistant Professor of Urban Planning and Design at the Politecnico di Milano (DAStU), where his didactic and research activities focus on spatial dynamics of economic transition, and on connected strategies, tools, and mechanisms of urban and regional transformation and regeneration.


  • Roles: Lecturer

Stefano Salata

Assistant Professor, Politecnico di Milano


Assistant Professor at Politecnico di Milano, he develops Performance-Based solutions through Ecosystem Service modelling and Green Infrastructures for Decision-Making.


  • Roles: Lecturer, tutor online, tutor onsite

Christa Reicher

Professor, RWTH Aachen University


Christa Reicher heads the Chair and Institute of Urban Design and UNESCO Chair for Cultural Heritage and Urbanism at the Faculty of Architecture. She is an architect and urban planner teaching and researching qualification strategies in urban development, urban land use planning, urban renewal and neighbourhood development, urban and landscape design, and housing.


  • Roles: Lecturer, tutor onsite

Christian Larisch

Research Associate, RWTH Aachen University


Urban Planner currently working on his doctoral thesis. His work focusses on Transit Oriented Development, interactions between mobility and the build environment, strategic spatial development and urban design.


  • Roles: Lecturer, tutor online, tutor onsite

Fabio Bayro Kaiser

Research Associate, RWTH Aachen University


Architect and Ph.D. researching and teaching urban design, global urbanisation, and geospatial analysis.


  • Roles: Tutor onsite

Juanjo Galan Vivas

Associate Professor, Technical University of Valencia


Ph.D. in Regional and Landscape Planning. His research and teaching focus on Landscape architecture, Landscape and regional planning, Sustainable urban and regional planning, Circular metabolisms, Green infrastructures, and socio-ecological systems.


  • Roles: Lecturer, tutor online, tutor onsite

Julia Deltoro Soto

Associate Professor, Technical University of Valencia


Architect, PhD in Urban design and planning. Her research interests focus on urban design and planning, urban history and morphology, sustainability and economic and industrial areas. Associate editor of the international research journal VLC arquitectura.


  • Roles: Tutor online, tutor onsite

Alena Cohrs

Research Associate, Technische Universität Berlin


Urban Planner and Ph.D. candidate focusing on the mix-used, productive city and climate-adaptive urban spaces in researching and teaching.


  • Roles: Lecturer, tutor online, tutor onsite

Jan Polívka

Professor, Technische Universität Berlin


Urban Planner and head of the department of Urban Planning and Built Environment development. Research focus in the procedures, processes and conflicts in the area of urban development and redensification in the context of the shift of planning in the post-industrial and digital age. 


  • Roles: Lecturer, tutor online, tutor onsite

Maciej Lasocki

Assistant Professor, Warsaw University of Technology


Licenced architect, lecturer on contemporary urban planning, leading design studio on spatial policy for urban areas, scientific researcher with special interests in digital technologies in urban planning, pedestrian traffic and sustainable urban development.


  • Roles: Lecturer, tutor online, tutor onsite

Selection Criteria

The six students from each university will be selected by a recognizable capacity/experience gained in the subjects of the Summer School.

Who can apply?

Students enrolled (already attending courses) in one of the following:

ETH Zurich


RWTH Aachen University
Master Architecture
Master Urban Planning
Master Transforming City Regions

Technical University of Berlin
Master’s degree in Urban and Regional Planning (SRP)
Master’s degree in Master of Urban Design (MUD)

Politecnico di Milano
Architectural Design and History
Architettura e Disegno Urbano – Architecture and Urban Design
Landscape Architecture. Land Landscape Heritage
Sustainable Architecture and Landscape Design – Architettura Sostenibile e Progetto del Paesaggio
Urban Planning and Policy Design – Pianificazione Urbana e Politiche Territoriali

Polytechnic University of Valencia
Bachelor’s degree in the Fundamentals of Architecture
Master’s degree in Architecture

Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)

Master’s in Urban Ecological Planning
Master’s in Physical Planning
Master’s in Sustainable Architecture
Master’s in Architecture (4th and 5th for the 5-year program, or 1st and 2nd year for the 2-year master program)
Master’s in Real Estate and Facilities Management
Master’s in Globalisation and Sustainable Development
Master’s in Geography
Master’s in Civil and Environmental Engineering (4th and 5th year of the 5-year program)

Warsaw University of Technology

Master Degree in Architecture (2-year program in Polish language)

Master Degree in Architecture (3rd-4th year of 6-year program in Polish language)

Bachelor Degree in Architecture (3rd year of 4-year program in English language)


Students who are enrolled in the mobility program Alliance4Tech (or other BIP founding) cannot apply.

How to apply

a)  Short CV (max. 5 pages)

b) PORTFOLIO or DOSSIER: a short portfolio or dossier displaying or explaining some of the work that you have developed on the topics of the Summer School (projects, essays, activities, etc.) (maximum 10 pages, 10MB)

c) Each student must register by April 15 2024 via their University registration system

Application Deadline: April 15 2024

Registration Links


ETH Zurich
For further information, contact Martina Schretzenmayr: schretz@ethz.ch

Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
For further information, contact Mrudhula Koshy: mrudhula.koshy@ntnu.no

Politecnico di Milano
For further information, contact Andrea De Toni: andrea.detoni@polimi.it

Polytechnic University of Valencia
For further information, contact Juanjo Galan: juagavi@urb.upv.es

RWTH Aachen University
For further information, contact Christian Larisch: larisch@staedtebau.rwth-aachen.de

Technical University of Berlin
For further information, contact Alena Cohrs: a.cohrs@tu-berlin.de

Warsaw University of Technology
For further information, contact Maciej Lasocki: maciej.lasocki@pw.edu.pl

Carolina Pacchi, Stefano Salata, Andrea De Toni, Davide Ponzini, Stefano Di Vita

Email: admissions-enhance2024-dastu@polimi.it

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