Home » Introducing: The ENHANCE Diversity Seed Fund

Introducing: The ENHANCE Diversity Seed Fund

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Are you a student at an ENHANCE university with a passion for promoting diversity and inclusion? Now is your chance to make a difference! The ENHANCE Diversity Seed Fund provides financial support for innovative, student-led projects that tackle key inclusion and diversity challenges within our academic communities.

Objectives of the Fund

The ENHANCE Diversity Seed Fund aims to:

  • Empower students and staff to create impactful projects addressing inclusion and diversity.
  • Inspire the ENHANCE community by showcasing successful projects as best practices.
  • Support at least 10 projects by November 2026.

Whether your project focuses on raising awareness, promoting allyship, or enhancing inclusivity in existing activities, this fund is here to support your vision. We welcome creative, out-of-the-box ideas that can make a difference both within your university and beyond.

Thematic Areas

Projects may cover a range of themes including Inclusion and Diversity Awareness, Fostering Allyship, Gender Equality, Creative Arts, and Encouraging Study Abroad. We also welcome other innovative ideas that align with our objectives.

Funding Details

The fund’s total budget is approximately €30,000. Individual projects can receive between €250 and €1,500 in the first round. Funding will be managed by RWTH Aachen University, with additional support for collaborative projects. Up to CHF 4,000 is available for applicants from ETH Zurich.

Criteria for Funding

Proposals will be evaluated based on Relevance, Project Team & Motivation, and Impact. For detailed criteria and application procedures, please visit our Seed Fund page.

Application Process

Project proposals are reviewed by the ENHANCE Diversity Seed Fund Selection Committee biannually. The first round of proposals is due January 8, 2025.

Key Dates

  • Call Opens: September 2024
  • Info Event (Zoom): October 14, 2024, 16:00 – 17:00 CET (Meeting ID: 284 659 0990, Password: 764332)
  • First Round Deadline: January 8, 2025
  • First Selection Round: January 13, 2025
  • Second Selection Round: June 2025

How to Apply

Application Form: Submit via this Online Form.

For more information, visit our ENHANCE Diversity Seed Fund page for more information or contact Melih Özkardes, ENHANCE Diversity Office Lead (melih.oezkardes@enhanceuniversity.eu).

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