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A new world I webinar

A New World

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A new world webinar aims to provide insight  and discuss how the need for global cooperation in academia can be reconciled with an increasingly tense geopolitical situation.


Webinar will take place on 7 October at 14:00 (CEST) and it will be taught in English.


Registrations will remain open until the day of the event and are free of charge. You can also register by clicking button below.


The world of academic international cooperation is changing. As geopolitical tensions have grown over the past years, the many links that universities have across the world have increasingly been questioned.


International academic cooperation continues to be a prerequisite for quality in universities. However, the political discourse has become cautious with concepts like strategic autonomy, foreign interference and technological sovereignty, which point towards Europe being more protective than before. Moreover, there is a clear aim at controlling key technologies in competition with other parts of the world, and there are worries in Europe about how new discoveries are used by authoritarian regimes.


A new world webinar is part of a series of webinars that look at how geopolitics are changing and what this means for universities organized by European University Association (EUA). The webinars will serve to inform members about European-level policy discussions, as well as provide an opportunity to discuss these issues in an online format.


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