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Blended intensive programme on critical sustainability

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TU Berlin, member universities at ENHANCE Alliance, offers an Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) on critical sustainability open exclusively to students from the ENHANCE Alliance. The programme consists of an online course on critical sustainability in early April and a one-week summer school in Berlin in late July.


The course will bring together students from the whole Alliance both virtually and physically within an open educational space to learn, discuss and reflect, thereby fostering exchange and mobility within ENHANCE’s student body.


Online course on critical sustainability

The participants will expand their understanding of sustainability, especially about social aspects such as power relations as well as society-nature relations and political ecology. The theoretical foundation for this is critical theory and theories of radical democracy. The pedagogical foundation of the course lies in the realm of critical pedagogy and pedagogies of democracy. The participants work on societal challenges from different interdisciplinary and artistic perspectives and engage in corresponding practices during the course. They conduct an intervention research project to contribute to the democratization of society and its social-ecological transformation.

The 6 ECTS online course is open for all ENHANCE students without prior registration. The programme starts on 5th April and finishes on 2nd June. Sessions will be every Tuesday and Thursday from 14:00 to 16:00 CET. The course can be completed either as a standalone course or combined with the Berlin summer school.


One week summer school crits week

During Critical Sustainability Week (CritS Week), the participants will explore how different initiatives in the fields of science, art, politics etc., are already contributing to a social-ecological transformation of Berlin. In return, the participants themselves will engage in interactive, artistic and group-dynamic formats to jointly analyze their positions/conditions in society and how they want to co-design our societies.


The summer school will be from 25th to 29th July 2022 (five full days). Taking part in summer school requires successful completion of the online course. The application deadline for this summer school is 30th March 2022.


Participation in the CritS Week is free of charge. In addition, students at ENHANCE Universities are eligible to apply for a travel stipend of at least 490 €.


The BIP on critical sustainability provides a space to learn, reflect, discuss and take action together. Participating students are constantly exchanging with each other through interactive and artistic formats and group dynamics. They engage in individual work as well as small and large group work to jointly reflect and analyze their surrounding power relations and society-nature relations. This analysis will be the basis for their contribution to a socio-ecological transformation and democratization of the society through individual and collective action.

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