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Presidential elections at ENHANCE Student Forum

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The Student Forum of the ENHANCE Alliance has renewed its presidential representation. Albeit the Co-presidents remain in office for two years or until resignation, the Warsaw University of Technology (WUT) student Gabriela Maciejewska has left her place as the head of the Student Forum co-presidency.


As a result, the representative of the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), Raimon Calabuig, will assume the role of co-president. Gabriela Maciejewska is still involved in the Student Forum as a student representative of WUT.


Since its beginning, Gabriela Maciejewska has been a member of the ENHANCE Alliance and has contributed to the ERASMUS+ grant proposal. “Seeing how the Alliance grows and our ideas come to life, how it gains more and more beneficiaries every day has been enriching”, she said. Although stepping down as co-president, Gabriela Maciejewska does not feel ready to end her collaboration with the Student Forum. Therefore, she is taking on new responsibilities as interim Public Relations Manager, in partnership with Sabine Derichs. “Some people may say that working for the Student Forum has become my addiction, but as long as it is done for a good cause, I think they can turn a blind eye to it”, adds Maciejewska.


Raimon Calabuig shares the presidency of the Student Forum with Marco Guerini, a student at Politecnico di Milano (POLIMI). Marco started his co-presidency with Gabriela at the beginning of ENHANCE. As decided, the co-chairs will step down separately to ensure the continuity of the work of the SF. For Raimon Calabuig, “this is an excellent opportunity to participate in the birth of a university. A new university that is per se European, and that, conceptually, is one university with campuses in six countries around Europe. He also explained that a lot of work has to be done to build this university, and “the students’ vision is essential to achieve this goal” he said.


Marco Guerini wants to thank Gabriela Maciejewska very much for her tireless work for the students of the seven member universities. “I am sure that Raimon Calabuig – to whom I wish my best of luck – will continue to work on the path traced in recent years with his own ability and determination. It is an honour to continue working towards a freer Europe, based on the education of younger generations”, he argues.


The Student Forum is the representative student body of the ENHANCE Alliance, made up of two students from each university who give their opinions and ideas on how to build the European Education Area. The co-chairs are members of the ENHANCE Board of Directors, where they share the results of the Student Forum with the rectors of the seven-member universities of the Alliance.