ENHANCE universities are open to hosting students and staff with a child or children during their mobility period. On this page, you can find an overview of contact persons and relevant links.

This page contains relevant information regarding mobility placements with children.

NTNU assists with information regarding daycare and school options. We also provide information about health care services in Norway and how to access them. NTNU has different daycare opportunities. Please contact the NIRS contact person, Iuliana Hussein (contact here) for assistance. Application deadlines apply.

If you are moving with children, please contact equalopportunities@polimi.it. We will be happy to help you. PoliMi offers services of daycare, and  Easter and Summer camps during school holidays.
RWTH informs members about a wide range of family-related services on this page.
Email: familienservice@rwth-aachen.de

Family Service Office is the contact person for all family-related questions.
Contact familienbuero@zuv.tu-berlin.de if you have any questions.

UPV offers daycare for staff or students with children (up to 3 years), including a food service (lunch) for a special UPV fare. Admission requires the Children to walk independently. Seats are limited (application in May for the following school year). Children over 3 years old should apply for admission to a local school.
If you have any questions about family-related issues, you will find the contact information on this page.
If you want to organise a preparatory visit to UPV, please get in touch with the central International Office of UPV at here

If you are interested in the offer of the kindergarten “Pomarańczowa Ciuchcia & Politechnika Warszawska” please contact us: pcpw@pomaranczowa-ciuchcia.pl

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