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The UPV hosts ENHANCE Alliance Challenge final

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The Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), member university at ENHANCE Alliance, will host the ENHANCE Challenge final from 24-25 May. This initiative, which forms part of the ENHANCE Higher Education Innovator programme, will provide total funding of 210,000 for the top six selected projects submitted by teams integrated by members from Alliance member universities.


The final will be inaugurated on Tuesday, 24th by José F. Monserrat del Río, Vice Rector for International Affairs and Communication (UPV), Naveed Syed, Secretary General at ENHANCE Alliance, Nuria Llobregat Gómez, International Affairs Director and Core Officer at ENHANCE Alliance  (UPV), María del Mar Marín, Dean of the Faculty of Business Administration and Management (UPV) and Elena de la Poza Plaza, ENHANCE Challenge coordinator (UPV) in FADE (Faculty of business administration and management).


The six finalist team projects of the ENHANCE Challenge will not only receive funding of up to 35,000 euros each, but they will also make an impact on the European Education Area. The winners will be known on Wednesday 25th.

Students and academic and administrative staff from the seven-member universities with diverse backgrounds and areas of expertise will participate in this ENHANCE challenge final. The Alliance brings together seven member universities: the Technische Universität Berlin (TUB) as the Coordinator, the Warsaw University of Technology (WUT), the RWTH Aachen University (RWTH), the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), the Chalmers University of Technology, Politecnico di Milano (POLIMI), and the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV).


ENHANCE Alliance has launched two challenges to foster diversity and inclusion among higher education students and encourage innovation using Artificial Intelligence in university administration. The main objective of the ENHANCE Challenge is to select the most disruptive ideas resulting from the joint efforts of the ENHANCE community to make a real difference in the European Higher Education Area while addressing issues that are at the core of the ENHANCE Alliance. In addition to Erasmus + funding, ENHANCE Challenge has the sponsorship of Sensedia, BRAVE M&T and  the Chair of the Digital Gap and Functional Diversity.


The challenges themselves address two different areas related to the values of the ENHANCE Alliance. The challenge one aims to find solutions to encourage diversity and inclusion of students with fewer opportunities at the university. In contrast, challenge two aims to foster the use of artificial intelligence in university administration to integrate the latest technological advances for the benefit of the university community.

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