During the agenda students began to integrate on the final preparation stage for the ENHANCE proposal which wants to integrate all statements into its future design.
Our ENHANCE One Campus will take us significantly closer to seamless mobility of students and staff, providing equal access to educational offers, services and facilities. We will enhance and improve access to services and facilities for mobile students, which includes the adaptation of the European Student Card and the facilitation of the seamless transfer of student data.
The ENHANCE European Education Pathways will be tested on bachelor and master level in mechanical engineering, computer science and energy technology.
Empowering people is central to us. In a structured participative process, we will develop a European value based, inclusive ENHANCE Education Strategy to ensure that our students, researchers and those looking for further education can fully develop their potential, independent of socio-economic or cultural background or special needs, and use knowledge and technology for the benefit of society. We will do this through ENHANCE wide support networks, awareness campaigns and student-led innovation processes.
The life-long learning offer of ENHANCE Micro-Credentials will focus in the beginning on courses in digital transformation and in transformation for the green economy to empower e.g. those living in regions affected by structural economic change in the context of the Green Deal to re-skill and actively engage with new technologies.
We will address the low participation of students from disadvantaged groups with a Europe-wide competition for school girts in STEM, a student-designed awareness campaign, an ENHANCE network of disability officers as well as an ENHANCE network of diversity and gender equality officers.
We will promote opportunities for our students to engage in service-learning and volunteering, e.g. as ENHANCE student ambassadors, in local schools, thus enhancing an international perspective of school children. Within their activities they will also support local communities in the field of digital transformation and green economy.