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ENHANCE Alliance offers a certificate in higher education

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ENHANCE Certificate in Higher Education Teaching is intended for a large spectrum of academic staff with a diversified theoretical background and practical experience in teaching. It will foster the professional development of academic staff by providing them with various opportunities to enhance their knowledge and skills.

What is the ENHANCE Certificate in Higher Education Teaching (CHET)?

ENHANCE Certificate in Higher Education Teaching is intended for a large spectrum of academic staff with a diversified theoretical background and practical experience in teaching. It will foster the professional development of academic staff by providing them with various opportunities to enhance their knowledge and skills.

Who will benefit from CHET?

CHET is intended for all groups of academic teachers at the ENHANCE partner universities, including:


·         beginners: doctoral candidates, teaching and research assistants,

·         post docs with several years of experience, assistant professors, associate professors,

·         newly appointed members of academic staff,

·         experienced (life-long employed) professors,

·         self-employed or industry enterprise-employed adjunct teaching staff, with temporary teaching tasks.


The target participant who wants to be certified will be an academic teacher wishing to:


·         enhance teaching competencies,

·         acquire new teaching competencies,

·         obtain confirmation of the acquired teaching competences.

What is the process of certification?

  • Teacher from one of ENHANCE Universtities enrolls to the CHET and checks the list of courses
  • Teacher carries out selected courses at the home university, while visiting other ENHANCE Universities, or takes advantage of MOOC and online courses
  • After completion of requirements, teacher reports that the requirements have been met, and receives the Certificate in Higher Education Teaching


Benefits and incentives


CHET, apart from being the proof of acquired knowledge and skills, can also be seen as an incentive for teachers. Depending on the university, obtaining CHET may be:


·         necessary / useful in application for a position and hiring,

·         necessary / useful for professional promotion and profile enhancement,

·         necessary / useful for getting funds,

·         internal motivation – own satisfaction with teaching and learning as well as quality improvement of personal teaching competencies, processes, and procedures,

·         an opportunity to learn about the experience of other teachers / universities,

·         an opportunity to learn from the experience of other teachers / universities,

·         an opportunity to get personal contacts with other teachers / universities.


The two levels of CHET should motivate academic staff at various levels of professional development to refresh and enhance their competencies in teaching, in particular to learn about new concepts, methods and techniques, as well as to practice with new IT tools.

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ENHANCE Certificate in Higher Education Teaching

No risk, no costs, many possibilities. Stay on the sharp border of progressive academia. Be an outstanding teacher of the European University of Technology. Sign up for the Certificate today!


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