Home » ENHANCE, the newly born university technology alliance seeks to lead education in the European Community

ENHANCE, the newly born university technology alliance seeks to lead education in the European Community

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ENHANCE is an alliance of seven leading European universities with a focus on science and engineering that was born in order to improve European education. The ENHANCE consortium, under the umbrella of the European Commission within the framework of the Erasmus + funding program, aims to create a new type of close collaboration networks, which through physical and virtual mobility of students and staff, develop innovative ways of learning and a close commitment to society at all levels.


ENHANCE is made up of the universities: Technische Universität Berlin as coordinator, Warsaw University of Technology, Politecnico di Milano, RWTH Aachen University, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Chalmers University of Technology and the Polytechnic University of Valencia.


On October 28, the European Commission signed the Grant agreement for the ENHANCE alliance that aims to create a new type of close European networks, allowing the redefinition of education with a European stamp, through innovative ways of learning and maintaining a close commitment to society at all levels.


The first major milestone of this European alliance occurred this Wednesday, November 4, when the rectors of the European universities held the first joint online meeting of heads of higher education to learn about best practices and future prospects for develop by the European Community.


ENHANCE promotes a responsible social transformation by enhancing a solid alliance of European technological universities, empowering people to develop and use science and technology for the benefit of society and turn global challenges into opportunities, a challenge which has become even more prominent in times of the COVID-19 pandemic.


In order to develop this objective, those responsible for the event are clear that fundamental changes must take place in European higher education. Some of the proposals thrown on the table seek the automatic recognition of qualifications, common agreements to guarantee the quality of education and involve more and more European universities.


Jointly with society, students and policy makers ENHANCE wants to identify innovative solutions to the usual legal, financial and administrative barriers to European cooperation. “Avoid complex structures and organizations, keep it simple and take a step-by-step approach”, is the main conclusion.

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