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Spotlight on Recognition

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EUA, in partnership with Crue, HRK and Nuffic, has announced a series of online events and focus groups taking place from 19 October until 30 November. These events are organised in the context of the “Spotlight on recognition” project, which aims to support staff at higher education institutions who are responsible for recognition processes and decisions by enhancing their capacities in terms of recognition procedures in compliance with the Lisbon Recognition Convention.


The first focus group, “Which differences are really substantial?,” will take place online on 19 October. The second focus group, “The potential of digitally facilitated recognition procedures,”  will take place on 29-30 November in Berlin, Germany.


On 21 October, the “Spotlight on recognition” Spanish national workshop will be hosted by the Spanish Rectors’ Conference (Crue). It is specifically aimed at vice rectors, directors and staff of Spanish universities who are responsible for academic recognition processes.


The event will also be an opportunity to test a self-assessment methodology for institutional staff developed within the “Spotlight on recognition” project, which aims to allow staff to evaluate to which degree the recognition procedures in place at their institution are in line with the Lisbon Recognition Convention and international good practice.


What is spotlight project??


The “Spotlight on recognition” project aims to support staff at higher education institutions who are responsible for recognition processes and decisions by enhancing their capacities in terms of recognition procedures in compliance with the Lisbon Recognition Convention.


The project runs from July 2020 until June 2022.


One central outcome of the project is the Academic Recognition Hub, a database of resources in the field of recognition of qualifications and study periods abroad. Further project outcomes are listed below under “Objectives and activities.”

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