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Critical Sustainability course

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The course \”Critical Sustainability\” provides a digital space to learn, reflect, discuss and take action together. The participants will jointly analyze existing power relations as well as society-nature relations and democratize them. The course is the compulsory module of the Sustainability Certificate for Students issued by TU Berlin.


Through various interactive, artistic and group-dynamic formats, the participants will broaden their understanding of sustainability. For this they engage in individual work as well as small and large group work to jointly reflect and analyze their own positions/conditions in society. This will be the basis for their contribution to a socio-ecological transformation of society through individual and collective action.


Students of all study programs from all universities/colleges in Berlin and beyond are cordially invited. Non-Students are also warmly welcomed. In this course they come together to share and question their different knowledges,  expertises and perspectives. Together they will explore societal problems across any borders between humans and mutually work on them.


The Critical Sustainability course takes place twice per week on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 14.00 to 16.00 CET for a total of 16 meetings.  It starts on Tuesday, 13 April and ends on Tuesday 08 June 2021. This condensed format allows for an intensive and focused work within the course. Upon successful completion, a certificate of performance of 6 ECTS points is handed out, which might be credited in one’s own study program. The course is offered for free by Technische Universität Berlin and anyone may enroll in the course.


The course is offered by Technische Universität Berlin and it is free of costs. To participate in the course you must attend the first meeting. After the second meeting registration is closed and no newcomers will be accepted. The link for the video conference and the learning platform will be provided on this website one day before the course starts.


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