You can find information and contact details about Further Services like medical support, integration activities and public transportation.

Medical and Psychological Support and Counseling

This page informs you about the medical services.

Integration Activities as a “Welcome Week”

Chalmers, together with Chalmers International Reception Committee (CIRC), arranges a few introductory weeks and fun reception activities. Have a look here.

Public Transportation

Visit this page to find out more about transport services for people with disabilities.

Medical and Psychological Support and Counseling

This page informs you about the medical services.
Therapy and counselling possibilities are presented here.

Integration Activities as a “Welcome Week”

NTNU organizes an orientation program for new international students every August and January.  Visit here.

Public Transportation

Visit this page to find out more about transport services for people with disabilities.
MazeMap shows the accessibility of the NTNU buildings.

Medical and Psychological Support and Counseling

This page shows an overview of the current services of psychological counselling and psychotherapeutic support for students and PhDs.

Integration Activities as a “Welcome Week”

If you need information about Welcome week, please contact the Office Community Life & Merchandising at this email: communitylife@polimi.it
You can check the past events here.

Public Transportation

Visit this two pages (here and here) to find out more about transport services for people with disabilities:

Medical and Psychological Support and Counseling

-The Student Advice Centre (short: ZSB).
-RWTH offers psychological counselling for students: Psychological Counseling – Confidential, Autonomous, Free of Charge.

-Students and doctoral candidates can also contact the Center for Mental Health at the University Hospital (short: ZPG).

-Staff with severe disabilities may find support at the Representative Council for Staff with Disabilities (short: SBV).

Integration Activities as a “Welcome Week”

Blended Welcome Week for all international students.
BeBuddy peer-to-peer mentoring for new international students.
Student associations: Overview of Student Initiatives

Public Transportation

This page informs you about the accessibility of public transport in Aachen (only in German)

Medical and Psychological Support and Counseling

Please find your information here.
If you have any questions, you can contact:


Integration Activities as a “Welcome Week”

Discover the buddy program here.

Public Transportation

Information on accessible travel, mobility training, and the VBB companion service of Berlin’s public transport system.
Semesterticket – Exemption and subsidization

Medical and Psychological Support and Counseling

Juana Porticceli Health Center provides medical and psychological support. Find out more on this page.

If you have any questions, please contact the CEDAT Foundation at cedat@upv.es

Integration Activities as a “Welcome Week”

Welcome days are organized for Erasmus, exchange students, and PhD students. They are carried out within the PIAE+ program and help all students get integrated. More information.

Public Transportation

Visit this page to find out more about transport services for people with disabilities.
You can find the location information of UPV .

Medical and Psychological Support and Counseling

Integration Activities as a “Welcome Week”

Please visit this page to find out more about WUT.

Public Transportation

The public transport company in Warsaw informs in this page about the accessibility.