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Glossay about Diversity and gender equality:



Bias: A personal and sometimes unreasoned judgment (Prejudice) 


Unconscious (or implicit) Bias: Learned stereotypes and prejudices that are automatic, unintentional, deeply ingrained, universal and able to influence behaviour.


Diversity: Embracing and taking into account the differences between individuals and groups of people 

Equity:  Adjusting for needs to achieve equality.


Gender: A social construct to classify a person as a man, a woman, or another identity such as divers, transgender etc.


Gender Mainstreaming: Integrating a gender equality perspective at all stages and levels of policies, programmes and projects.


(Gender) Equality: Being equal in status, rights or opportunities.


Inclusion / Inclusivity: The practice or policy of including people who might otherwise be excluded or marginalised.


Non-binary: A gender identity that goes beyond the male/female gender binary. 


People with fewer opportunities: ‘Young people with fewer opportunities’ are defined in the Erasmus+ programme guide as those young people who are at a disadvantage compared to their peers because they face one or more of the seven exclusion factors: disability, health problems, educational difficulties, cultural differences, economic obstacles, social obstacles or geographic obstacles. 

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