Home » Personal experience of Miguel Edo, winner of the II Social Media Challenge

Personal experience of Miguel Edo, winner of the II Social Media Challenge

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Miguel Edo, a UPV student, was one of the two winners of the II Social Media Challenge organised by the ENHANCE Alliance. The competition consisted of showing how cities face the challenge of climate sustainability with a picture.


The prize was a trip to TU Berlin, where he discovered another model of university and everyday life in a big city like Berlin. We get to know his impressions through this short interview.


1.- How was your trip?

I arrived in Berlin on July 25 afternoon. I spent the evening exploring the hotel’s surroundings. It was next to Museum Island, with many nice buildings and parks. The next day, I visited TU Berlin, where I discovered that it is really different despite being a technical university like UPV. TU Berlin is filled with history, culture, and social movements that try to improve our surroundings. We visited different university associations and research groups, which allowed me to learn about my possibilities at TU Berlin as an international student. On the 27th morning, I flew back home.

2.- How did you feel about this experience?

I really liked the experience. The city and the university were quite different from what I had imagined. Berlin and BTU are very committed to social causes. The food was great, the people friendly, and there were many streets and parks where you could have a pleasant and relaxing stroll. I feel like I have learned a lot about the city, but there are still many things to know.


3.- Would you recommend this experience to other ENHANCE Alliance students?

Yes, no doubt about it, it was really enriching! I think all students should participate in a similar experience and, if possible, apply for a more extended stay.