Home » TU Berlin offers an online intercultural seminar

TU Berlin offers an online intercultural seminar

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TU Berlin offers an online seminar Intercultural Basic Qualification to all students at ENHANCE Alliance universities. The registration is free of charge and is open until February the 20th, and will be held on March 14-18th.


During the one-week intensive seminar, the student will learn the fundamentals of intercultural communication and cooperation in the international professional field. The seminar consists of application exercises and theoretical basics and focuses on practical relevance.

Intercultural Basic Qualification, as an online block seminar with an independent online phase, Zoom meetings, and an open book exam. Experts will talk about various aspects of intercultural communication and cooperation to improve intercultural competence as one of the most important soft skills of the 21st century for specialists and executives.
Furthermore, this proposal aims to reinforce raising cultural awareness and developing sensitivity for empathy and contribute to strategical knowledge about requirements, stipulations, organization, and execution of stays abroad during their studies.


Students can obtain a Certificate of attendance and 3 ECTS after consultation with their university. This training is also integrated in Work Package 3 of ENHANCE Alliance: Society-centered Education