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Innovative education pathways

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By Barbara del Sole, Politecnico di Milano ENHANCE Work Package 2 Leader.


From the next academic year, ENHANCE Alliance students enrolled in the Bachelor of Science/Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Master of Science in Energy, Computer Science, or Urban Planning will have the opportunity to attend courses in one or more other ENHANCE member universities following an innovative path called the ENHANCE European Education Pathways.


We are working to allow our students to automatically and directly insert courses offered in the ENHANCE member universities into their study plans. Students can attend these courses with a mobility period in the host institution or via virtual exchange. The Study Programme Coordinators have already validated them, so there will be no need to apply for recognition at the end of the mobility period.


From a longer-term perspective, students following the ENHANCE European Education Pathways will experience seamless mobility across all member institutions having automatic access to a course acknowledgement. This means a significant innovation for both, the didactic offer, because it can be progressively customised to the students’ needs and the IT systems of the ENHANCE member universities, which will allow the publication of a joint academic offer and the automatic transfer of student data.


The idea is to start the European Education Pathways with the aforementioned pilot study programmes and, progressively, include all the other ones. It will take some time, but this is not a problem because ENHANCE has a long-term strategy in place.


Politecnico di Milano is proud to coordinate the work on the innovative education pathways that will elevate the academic and administrative cooperation of the ENHANCE member universities to a much higher level. Once the process is completed, the seven universities will truly consider themselves a single and substantial European Campus.